S.C. State Senator, Tom Young, with a Legislative Update

Newberry Hall 117 Newberry St SW, Aiken, SC, United States

Tom Young represents Senate District 24 covering large portions of Aiken County including of Aiken, North Augusta, Warrenville, Gloverville, Couchton, New Ellenton, Jackson, Beech Island, and Montmorenci in Aiken County. […]

Peter Kleinhenz, Executive Director, the Aiken Land Conservancy

Newberry Hall 117 Newberry St SW, Aiken, SC, United States

The Aiken Land Conservancy is a private, non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve Aiken’s unique character and natural and historic resources for present and future generations through advocacy and […]

Veterans Panel USCA, ATC

Newberry Hall 117 Newberry St SW, Aiken, SC, United States

“Duty, honor, country. Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be.” - Douglas MacArthur CONTACT US

Paul Matthews, Director of the Aiken County Emergency Management Department

Newberry Hall 117 Newberry St SW, Aiken, SC, United States

The Aiken County Emergency Management Division coordinates the county's integrated emergency management system through partnerships with all emergency response organizations, voluntary agencies, private non-profit organizations and other support services, to […]

Buzz Rich, Aiken Corp

Newberry Hall 117 Newberry St SW, Aiken, SC, United States

The Aiken Corporation is a community based, private non-profit corporation established to formulate and implement economic development projects in fulfillment of plans and strategies identified in Aiken’s Strategic Plan. The […]

Family Promise of Aiken County

Newberry Hall 117 Newberry St SW, Aiken, SC, United States

Family Promise leverages a community-based response to address the root causes of family homelessness and housing insecurity We address the issue holistically, providing prevention services before families reach homelessness, diversion […]

Check Fraud, Security Federal, Chris Verenes and Mallory Holley

Newberry Hall 117 Newberry St SW, Aiken, SC, United States

What was once a routine way to pay your bills — handwriting paper checks at the kitchen table, dropping envelopes into a blue metal box on the street — has […]

Pickle Ball

Newberry Hall 117 Newberry St SW, Aiken, SC, United States

Pickleball is fun, social and friendly! The rules are simple and the game is easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a fast-paced, competitive game. Pickleball is a […]